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Form 4 Physical Education & Sports

Peanell Alfred
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Here is the class outline:

1. Arteries and Veins

Nov 3

At the end of this lesson students should be able to 1. List the five blood vessels 2. Identify the function of blood vessels 3. List some properties of an artery 4. Draw and label the structure of an artery 5. List some properties of a vein 6. Draw and label the structure of a vein 7. List five differences between arteries and veins

Difference between arteries and veins

2. Heart Rate, Stroke Volume, Cardiac Output

At the end of this lesson students should be able to: 1. Define heart rate 2. Define stroke volume 3. Define cardiac output

Heart Rate
Stroke Volume
Cardiac Output

3. Temperature Control

At the end of this lesson students should be able to: 1. Define vasodilate 2. Define vasoconstrict 3. Describe what happens during a temperature change (hot or cold)

Temperature Control

4. Platelets, White blood cells, Haemoglobin

How do platelets work? How do white blood cells work? What is haemoglobin?


5. Effects of Exercise

Short term effects Long term effects

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